To raise funds for operations and the preservation of cultural heritage, the Kharkiv Art Museum launched a new NFT collection on the Binance NFT marketplace.
Nonfungible token (NFT) use cases continue to develop beyond the hyped days of stagnant digital art collections as the Web3 space expands.However, NFT utility is being reimagined even within the art world, as is the case with a Ukrainian art museum.
On October 13, the Kharkiv Art Museum made the announcement that the Art without Borders NFT collection is now accessible on the Binance NFT marketplace.
According to the official announcement, Art without Borders features fifteen works of art from the museum's collection. The sale of these works will help finance the museum and "save the cultural heritage of Ukraine."
The museum, one of Ukraine's oldest, houses nearly 25,000 works of fine art by Ukrainian and international artists.The NFT collection includes works by Simon de Vlieger, Albrecht Dürer, Georg Jacob Johann van Os, Ivan Aivazovsky, and others.
According to Lisa He, the head of the Binance NFT, who spoke with Crypto Express , donors looking for a safe and certain way to give money in times of conflict can turn to NFTs for reassurance:
The executive at Binance went on to say that donors can also determine when and whether funds have reached their intended destination due to the transparency of the blockchain.
In the past, museums have used NFTs to digitize art, such as when the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp tokenized a million-euro piece in its collection.
In metaverse museums, art has even been NFT-ized, as when the family of Frida Khalo brought a piece from their private collection that had never been seen before into Decentraland.
In the meantime, intense fighting has taken place in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine in the city of Kharkiv.As a result, the usefulness of this collection can safeguard culture that is at risk of being lost, as was the case in the notorious 2003 looting of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad.
"Nascent NFT technology and the long-standing Ukraine culture heritage in the NFT will support rebuilding culture and history in real life," asserts Lisa He.
During these turbulent times, NFTs have already been used as aid and resistance in Ukraine.An NFT auction's proceeds were put toward repairing physical monuments that had been damaged during the conflict.
In fact, the Ministry of Digital Transformation in Ukraine established its very own digital NFT museum in order to preserve a chronology of the major conflicting events.
"Including the preservation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage," Lisa He stated, "Binance will continue to support NFT projects that create practical and scalable solutions for various social problems."